What is the Black Fist Series©?

Black Fist Series© started out as an art installation that was painted and constructed by Najee Strickland. It later expanded into a multitude of things, such as a graphic novel, recorded sit down discussions with the people, and an awarded short film. The overall goal is to solely focus on prominent issues dealing with social proximity, our history, social injustice, propaganda in the BIPOC community, and media stigmas assigned to BIPOC and other people labeled as minorities.

News & Announcements


In the South we have a language like no other. Some people think it’s drawn out, others think it’s charming. Some folks may appropriate, but none can replicate. In this culmination of speech, artists expose their own experiences with southern vernacular. All content will reflect the various interpretations from local Memphis-based artist in their hometown. The show will explore how southern speech has shaped their view of community and themselves.

Hidden Gems

To level up we must get out of our own way. That can begin with taking a chance or creating one. In this exhibition we search for the hidden gems in our community. This show includes artists with modest visibility and offers them an opportunity to show up and be uncovered.

Crosstown Arts presents “MANE” and “Hidden Gems” curated by Najee Strickland and Kiara Sally in the Galleries at Crosstown Arts.

The Galleries at Crosstown Arts
May 24 , 2024 through September 8, 2024
Free and open to the public


Crafting Blackness Initiative: African American Craft in Tennessee Since 1920

The 100 years History of Black Craft Artist in Tennessee 1920-2022 research project by BIPOC art historian and curator Karlota Contreras-Koterbay covers a century of history of craft making by African Americans in the state of Tennessee. The research product includes a compendium: Quilted Narratives: Black Bodies Making Form with image-rich database of Black Tennessee artist, collection of Bibliography with artists statements of Q&A/video narratives; culminating into a series of exhibitions with public engagements focusing on Black Tennessee craft artist and craft-making in Tennessee.


September 2023 First exhibitions at ETSU Tipton and Slocumb Galleries in Johnson City

May 2024 Database of Black craft artists accessible online

2023-2027 Traveling exhibitions throughout state with public panels and catalogues.

2027 Culminating exhibition and book release

Proposed Exhibition Schedule

September - October 2023 Black Bodies Making Form curated by Karlota Contreras- Koterbay and Karen Sullivan, ETSU Tipton & Slocumb Galleries

March 2024 Hiram Van Gordon Gallery, with Dr. Cynthia Gadsden as co curator, Tennessee State University,

NashvilleCarl Van Vechten Gallery, Fisk University Galleries, Nashville (TBD)

Todd Gallery, Middle Tennessee state university (MTSU)

Fall 2024 Martin Public Library, Martin (August)

Lincoln Memorial University, Cumberland Cap (August)

2025 University of Tennessee, Knoxville (TBD)

Belmont or Vanderbilt University, Nashville (TBD) for William Edmondson Festival, October 2026

Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg (Exhibition and Panel)

2027 Brooks Museum of Art (TBD), Memphis (Exhibition and Book launching)

• The traveling exhibition will present unique themes and artists at different venues,